When athletic seasons begin we can quickly lose sight of the things that are actually important in life. Athletic communities get so concerned with wins and losses, that we forget that these athletes are actually real people. The ones that I spend the most time with are actually still children. They probably wouldn’t like to be called that but that’s how I feel about them. In the midst of busy athletic schedule filled with workouts, practices, and games… LIFE HAPPENS! The touchdowns, kills, and home runs become so much less important in these moments. Some of these kids I’ve known since they were in middle school, and now they are playing in their last season of high school. The amount of emotions I’ve experienced them go through is incredible and brings tears to my eyes just to think back about some of those times.

I can remember the day that I decided to start documenting their lives like it was yesterday. Nowhere in those initial thoughts, were moments like this PHOTO OF THE WEEK. I wan’t all of you to remember that no matter how many… or few points you score, I love you and pray for your existence daily. Be good to each other and love each other in times of winning AND in times of losing. And ALWAYS remember…. there is far more to life than sports.
